25 July 2006

Stray Cat

A few months ago, a pregnant stray cat came up to my door for food. I didnt offer it any but I gave it a cardboard mat to lay on. She was happy enough. So she hunts during the day and retires to a comfortable pad for a rest at night. However 5 weeks ago, she dissapeared. I didn't know where she went to, and I just assumed that she gave birth and went on her merry way.

smugfaced pregnant cat with no sign of appreciation

Then yesterday I found her again, this time with a brood of two kittens. Very cute. She was in this position yesterday evening, and this morning as I left for work, she was in the same place. She must be tired.
ex-pregnant but still smugfaced cat but with cute kittens

The strange thing is, when I saw her first in mid May, she looked like she was about to burst already. The gestation period is 65 days. She definitely is the same cat: same markings and all. The kittens: are they new born or 1 month old? I have no idea ...

I dont like stray animals. They live in such dire conditions, that I would hate that their offspring would have to endure such harsh treatment too. So anybody want to adopt a cat-family? BTW, Im not a fan of cats. They have such irritating attitudes.
